So Coding Agents are here to stay. And they are hitting everywhere we go! (at a cheap price!). So what do we make of them. Do they help? do they hinder? Do we like using them? or, is it risky to use them? There are now practical questions we ponder with as Github Copilot, ChatGPT, Claude, Intellij AI Assistant and others are accessible at the click of a button!
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
DO follow us on twitter @offheap
State of AI and the Developer Experience
So last time we recorded we still have a running windows operating system and we haven't seen the Crowdstrike meltdown happen yet. We also hear of JRuby achieving independence, Quarkus moving into CommonHaus and Intel letting go people (are they losing the AI battle?).
An interesting episode, drop in for a listen!
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
DO follow us on twitter @offheap
Allright, so in the middle of summer, and what better way to fight the summer heat than to have a cold one and talk about tech, right? We got together again and discuss the cool things that are happening (Java 22, Kotlin 2.0), and then we take a detour on looking at what's happening in the open source space (RedHat prunes Middleware, OCI Stops Funding Grails), and we try to figure out where would it end.
So come and take a listen as we try to read the tea leaves and figure out where open source is going!
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
DO follow us on twitter @offheap
Yes! So we are back at THE best conference for Java in the US (DevNexus!) to record a live episode! We had Andy and Sascha talk to us about Quantum security and where the world is heading (spoilers, we better address our security before the quantum boogeyman shows up).
In all, like all DevNexus episode we also have a GAME! Come play with us as well, and see if you can tell if an AI company is real... or fake!
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
DO follow us on twitter @offheap
- Commonhaus Foundation (
- XZ Backdoor (
- Diagram overview of the XZ exploit (
- Spring I/O Barcelona May 30-31
- Community Over Code NA Denver October 7-10
- Dev2Next Lone Tree, Colorado Sept 30 β Oct 3, 2024
- - Dallas, Tx - Sept 24 -26 -
- Quantum Knight (
- Andy, Co-Founder and CEO of Quantum Knight (
- fun fact, he's also the drummer for the NullPointers Java Band
- AI Drunk Friend (
Hopefully we are all rested and ready to tackle this 2024. There is already a ton going on with AI, but front and center has been the current job market news (it's dire). Even so, when a new door closes, a new (shiny AI-ish) door opens.
Here we dive into what it means to be an java developer in this job market (should you learn AI's darling language, python? we ponder), and our collection of tips / tricks to navigate it.
In addition we tackled some of the stuff we learned over the holiday, including the One Billion Row Challenge! (an exciting view of where Java is headed and the things it's doing). So start on those new year resolutions and let's get rolling with the new OffHeap episode!
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
DO follow us on twitter @offheap
- One Billion Row Challenge (
- OBRC Results (
- GlassFish 8.0.0-M1 (
- JDK 22 In Rampdown (
- Apache Groovy 5.0.0 in Alpha 5 - (
- JPL Layoffs (
- Kotlin 2.0.0 (
- Devnexus April 9 - 11 (
- IntelliJ IDEA Conf - March 6-7 (
- Spring I/O Barcelona May 30-31
- Community Over Code NA Denver October 7-10 (
- Dev2Next Lone Tree, Colorado Sept 30 β Oct 3, 2024
- JChampions Conference 2024 Videos Available (