That's right folks, we are (finally) saying goodbye (and good riddance to 2020), so in the tradition of OffHeap we review the year. From having 2 Java releases, to the move of OpenJDK to github and how tech has been changed by the Pandemic we talk about it all.
We also see what's coming up on for 2021, including Project Loom (and what does THAT mean for Reactive Programming), new LTS in our hands (Java 17) and Spring 6! In all, this next year looks like is going to be so much fun!
So kick, back, relax, sip your favorite beverage, and enjoy our end-of-the-year Episode.
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JVM Advent Calendar
Jakarta EE released
Intellij Idea 2020.3
Eclipse IDE 2020-12
NetBeans 12.2 Released
Jakarta One Sessions Available
DawsCon coming up Online
Java Champions Conference
So JFrog made it big! (and we congratulate them!) as they are now a publicly traded company!
and because GitHub is paying attention, they are now rolling out Container Registries! (This will help a ton for those in the Docker world)
Java 15 is out as well, with all the goodies of a short term cadence (Preview of Sealed Classes, Records, Z Garbage Collector and more!)
In addition, have you ever been curious about the JVM Source Code, well, they are finally in GitHub! So go ahead, explore, download, build and play!
Lastly we fumbled a prediction on why there was a Micronaut Foundation... Well, we know now. Graeme Rocher just joined Oracle. (which would make it super interesting to see the life expectancy of Micronaut)
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Ah, it's been a while, but on this two-hour long take we have @divideby0 Join us as we dive into tech and the current political climate. Here at OffHeap we stand behind #BLM and explore what technology (and our role as engineers) play on this.
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
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So we finally did it! We actually turned on the cameras for you to see us! As we venture into the Video portion of our podcast we picked up on the new cadence from Spring Boot, updates on GraalVM, and Jakarta news.
We also dived into the 25th Year of Java (Happy Birthday!) and discuss, what the next 25 years of Java look like. So stay tuned, take a peek. Subscribe to our Video feed, or if our homely faces scare you, we still have our regular Audio feed!
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
DO follow us on twitter @offheap
First comes hate(rs), then comes committers.
Then comes a tag, in the github app
reporting its woes,
committing new code
doing the hula hula dance!
Ok, so one of the biggest stories is that blooming collaboration (romance?) that's happening between Spring and Graal. Yep, the most popular framework is teaming up with the hottest VM in town (this sounds like a movie script already!). We also dive into some unexpected releasers like Jython 2.7.2, new leadership for the ASF (And its board of directors), and a game of "where in the world is Istio (not Carmen Sandiego) going?" played by Google. In all, with drinks in hand, on remote, a fun episode to listen to.
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
DO follow us on twitter @offheap
Ok, so the world is not the same as it used to be. We woke up one day and became remote workers. How does this affect our day-to-day, and what does it mean for the Java Ecosystem. Come join us as we discuss the woes of the crew juggling kids, family, work, and social distancing. Some are natural introverts (but not all!) and how the stay-in-place orders are affecting them, including some work-from-home tips from our crew!
We also cover the latest news, and yeah! JDK14 is now released! (so if you have some extra time in your hands, play with Records). In all, a quarantined-episode worth hearing about!
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Getting everyone on a stage and geeking out with an audience makes for an amazing episode. We had a special guest Jeanne Boyarsky and discussed Hibernate + Graal, Google involvement in Open Source, and Oracle claiming everyone wants copywrited APIs (spoiler alert, we don't). We also played a fun game of "What's that Acronym".
We then dive into a big discussion on Continuing Education for us Java Developers, including Java Certificates, Bootcamps, and other ways for us to either get into or update our info in the field. Does Certification make sense? Should you try a BootCamp? Come and take a listen as we explore the interesting and winding road of self-actualization.
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
DO follow us on twitter @offheap
Ah, we got together with our usual suspects, and while our local Curmudgeon was enjoying his Old-fashioned, I was enjoying Cold Medicine. Even so, we went through the biggest events that happened this year, including the Oracle v Google debacle, The new copy-and-kill strategies from cloud providers, the proliferation of Java implementations, the re-emergence of Eclipse Foundation as a home for standards, and of course, the Java EE (reincarnated as Jakarta EE) saga.
It has been a great year, and we couldn't have made it with our listeners. Thanks for listening to our podcasts. We have expanded our OffHeap family, so don't forget to check all of our podcasts. And you can always drop off a line @offheap (
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
DO follow us on twitter @offheap