Oh snap! so The Apache Roadshow just happened, and we armed our own Bob with all our podcasting equipment, unload him at the roadshow, gave him a couple of beers, and turned the mics on! Recorded live from the bar we go into the interesting news (Java 13 is EA now), to the unfathomable (Jakara EE can't update, change, or enhance the "javax" space), to a great discussion with Gris Cuevas on D&I.
In all, the collective Jakarta EE community jaws dropped once we heard that Oracle would not permit the evolution of the Javax package space. What does it mean for the community? What are the steps to evolve? Should we band-aid it, or just rip it off and move to the new space? Oh boy, and if you don't think that this will affect you since you don't use Java EE, let us mention...JAX-B, or JAX-RS.... or Java EE Security, or JSP.. or websockets... all of these are rolled into Java EE.
So take a listen as we navigate this new and perilous world of Jakarta EE, while we also explore, what Apache, Google and others are doing to better our industry's D & I. In all, an episode to not miss!
We thank DataDogHQ for sponsoring this podcast episode
We also thank OverOps for sponsoring this podcast episode
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