Hello there! We are so excited to bring you into our new segment at OffHeap. Called "Mark And Sweep", we dive into different interviews from notable developers across time. With Ed Burns (author of the Secrets of the RockStar Programmers), and the usual OffHeap crew, we listen, dissect, and comment on these interviews.
Our First episode is none other than James Gosling. He is considered the "Father of Java", and he put the Java language on the map (which was named "Oak" at the beginning). Ed interviewed him for his book a little while ago, and incredibly, a lot of the advice and ideas he mentioned still holds very well today. So come and take a listen on this first pilot episode of Mark And Sweep.
Also, stay tuned for the second episode of Mark And Sweep when Ed, Bob, Michael, Josh and me (Freddy) comment on Chris Wilson (The Browser Architect for Internet Explorer) interview.
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